Friday, January 30, 2009

February Virtue and Family Help

It's a new month and a new virtue! We are talking about Fairness in Kidz Inc. and this week we will be discussing the topic James taught the church about being fair to those in your congregation. He warned the church in James 2:1-9 not to show favor to those who were dressed better or had status in society. You can learn memory verses and help illustrate the point to your kids by using the daily devotions called "God Time Cards." To keep the virtue fresh each week, you can use the Refrigerator Door Cards to mount on the fridge and help everyone memorize the verse for the week. There will be new devotions and memory verses posted on this blog each week so keep reading. You can find these materials from this web link:
Refrigerator Door Cards 2/01/09
God Time Cards 2/01/09

To purchase added materials for your family including music visit

See you this Weekend!